The G12 system concept is based on the number twelve which is a significant number in the Bible. There are many Biblical proofs of using the number 12 in the G12 System. The model of 12 has always been in God's heart. The number 12 symbolizes government. During creation God established 12 months to govern each year; even days are governed by periods of 12 hours each. To govern the people of Israel, God established 12 tribes and King Solomon appointed 12 governors. In the book of Acts also it clear there that Judas was replaced by Matthias to complete the 12 Disciples. It is clear that the apostles chose one more to replace Judas and Matthias became number 12.
Jesus developed 12 men to build His church and His kingdom. The principle of 12 uses this same principle for the advancing of the church throughout the world. The desire of God and vision of his heart is to see Souls won and Believers being trained as multiplying Disciples. That is the vision of the Father. The only way we can accomplish this is by following the model of Jesus. To focus on 12 men, pour your heart and life into them to see them succeed in God's calling for their life. This is done by helping them come to wholeness and have their character shaped. So they can bare fruit for the Lord. That is the Principle of G12 System!
19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
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