The Lord God works through His people by first starting with a vision of His plan and purposes. Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). But with the God given vision we can win the lost, raise up a mighty church, take a city and see Jesus’ gospel spread through the entire earth. The G12 model has a firm system of discipleship and mentoring which means that every person from top to bottom is accountable to his over-shepherd in matters great and small, both religious and secular.
Jesus Christ started by finding 12 people that He could disciple to become world-changers. He did this by praying all night before choosing His twelve. Then, he mentored and molded them over the next three years, making them into a powerful team. Later, in the book of Acts, the apostles also were choosing and mentoring their twelve also. The principal of twelve is dynamic and explosive yet simple to understand and easy to be implemented.
The G12 system as we have seen is based around the number twelve. Also highly structured, it aims at reproducing its cells by making every member a leader who is tasked with producing his own cell of twelve. Here all staff no matter what their position lead a cell and at the same time mentor other cell leaders or disciples. Each cell member is being trained to form his or her own cell of twelve by making recruits from friends and family but at the same time each person is still being mentored by his or her own cell leader. Members therefore are expected both to lead and to attend different cell groups. Every new believer goes through discipleship training to equip him or her to become a new cell leader.
Thus discipleship and mentoring are factors in the success of adopting the G12 system. The senior pastor disciples the assistant pastors, the assistant pastors disciple the area leaders, the area leaders disciple the cell leaders, and the cell leaders disciple the cell members and so on. Every activity and belief as well as personal relationships and the details of life is funneled through the discipleship pyramid.